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From Forensic Interviewer to Expert Witness


As a Forensic Interviewer, receiving a subpoena to testify can be nerve-wracking, whether called to testify for the very first time or as an experienced expert witness. This presentation will help new interviewers, and remind tenured interviewers, how to best prepare for their court testimony and cover the following: preparing, creating and maintaining a CV, efficiently reviewing your forensic interview, communicating succinctly and efficiently to the jury and previewing common defense questions.  


Megan Peterson worked in the child abuse field for 18 years before transitioning to Guardify, where she is a Senior Outreach Specialist. Her tenure is solely linked to direct service, working in Oklahoma and Texas, as a CPS Investigator for 10 years, and as a Forensic Interviewer for 8 years. She has conducted 2,479 forensic interviews and approximately 1400 child abuse investigations, completed over 1300 hours of cumulative training and testified as an expert witness in numerous criminal court proceedings. She is a social worker and interviewer at heart and has dedicated herself to protecting children and helping others.  

Course Materials

The webinar recording can be accessed at the top of the page. Additional materials referenced in the training, such as presentation slides and templates, are also available for download using the links below. 

Certificate of Completion

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Additional Resources

Interested in more training provided by Guardify? Visit our On Demand Library to access all webinar offerings. 

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