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Revisiting the Essentials is a comprehensive webinar that offers both a refresher and introductory guide to understanding child abuse. Designed as a broad overview, it's suitable for those new to the subject and those needing a refresher.

Essentials of recognizing and reporting child abuse will be covered, helping you understand the signs, symptoms, and appropriate steps to take when suspicions arise. Without delving too deeply into complex or potentially distressing details, common questions and concerns will be addressed, while providing clear and actionable information. This ensures a comfortable learning environment to equip you with the knowledge necessary to protect and support children effectively.

No matter your experience level, this webinar offers a valuable opportunity to deepen your awareness and strengthen your ability to respond to child abuse appropriately.


Please note that the panelists are offering opinions based on their own individual experiences, state rules, and protocols. Always adhere to the protocols applicable in your jurisdiction or within your organization.

Presenter Information 

Melissa Hernandez, Customer Success Representative, Guardify,

Melissa worked in the child abuse field for over 6 years, 3 years as a Family Advocate, followed by 4 years as a Forensic Interviewer. She has conducted 1,133 forensic interviews, completed over 500 hours of cumulative training, and testified as an expert witness in numerous criminal court proceedings.

Michael Margolis, Outreach Specialist, Guardify, 

Michael worked in the field of child abuse as a forensic interviewer for 10 years at four centers across the nation. He conducted 2,987 forensic interviews, completed over 800 hours of cumulative training, and testified as an expert witness on numerous occasions.


Please complete the evaluation form within 30 days of completing the training in order to receive a Certificate of Completion.

Contact Brittany Ford at with any questions or concerns.

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