Optimizing your CAC's Workflow: Key Tools for Managing Forensic Interviews with Guardify
Speaker Spotlight

Ashley Stokrp
Ashley Stokrp joined Guardify three years ago as a Customer Success Representative and is now our Customer Success Onboarding Specialist & Real Evidence Podcast Co-Host.
Ashley works closely with lead Forensic Interviewers and Prosecutors to help get their organizations, Interviewers and Investigators, as well as their extended multidisciplinary team (MDT) members in Law Enforcement, Child Protective Services and Health Care, quickly up and running with Guardify.
A self-described "theater kid,” her appreciation of the arts and entertainment has proven especially valuable in Ashley's latest endeavor as a Podcast Co-Host!
Q & A
What does the onboarding process typically look like for a new customer?
The onboarding process is a step-by-step process in which we empower our customers to start using the product on day one, but there are multiple check-ins along the way to help develop workflows, introduce them to the platform, and also train and empower their partners to start using it as well. We have various workshops and training calls, and along each step of that process, we provide resources and guides that will make it a lot easier to start using it across the various agencies that will be using the platform.
If you could give one piece of advice to a new user starting with the platform, what would it be?
It's really helpful to dive in and start using the platform as soon as you get access to it, just to get a feel for how the platform works. A lot of times when you start using a new technology, it can be really intimidating to start, but if you can get your hands on it and just figure out what it does, it starts to build that momentum to use it regularly. Guardify is designed to be really intuitive and user friendly, so jumping in and working on identifying what the tools do and how they can be integrated into your existing workflow is really valuable in the implementation process.
What resources do you offer to help users after training?
The resources provided depend on the training, but each training that is conducted, we offer specific resources and articles on essentially exactly what we talked about in the training. Each article is broken down by feature, so whatever features or tools were discussed in a specific training, the follow up provided includes a list of how-to articles to go along with that training, and then we also provide a recording of the training so that they can look back on it.
What are the different ways CAC's can use Guardify Live?
Guardify Live has been used a lot of different ways. It was initially developed to be used as a tool to log in and conduct secure meetings. So you could do your MDT sessions, you could do peer review and any kind of internal partner facing meeting that you might typically do. Guardify Live can also be used to conduct live interviews in situations where maybe you need to leave your center and go to the child to conduct a remote interview. Live sessions are also useful if you have scenarios where you have partners that are remote and they want to be able to observe an interview that's being conducted at your center, they can log into that secure session and watch it as it's happening.
Can you share a success story of a CAC that used one of the premium features?
We've seen successful use of Guardify Live with centers that have needed to go into hospitals to conduct forensic interviews. We had one center specifically where the forensic interviewer set up a laptop in the child's hospital room to be used as their recording device, which they were able to stream in their Guardify Live session to the observers attending the session. To accommodate local observers, an observation room was set up in another room in the hospital, where they had a large monitor available to join the Live Session and observe the interview. Out of State observers were also able to join the session remotely via a secure access link, only after logging into Guardify using multi-factor authentication.
Once the interview was complete, the Live Session was ended and the recording from that session was uploaded automatically into the interview card in Guardify, where the interview would then be securely stored and made available for sharing with other users. In addition to the Live Session recording, the Forensic Interviewer recorded a secondary camera view via the Guardify Mobile App, which allowed them to record the interview from their mobile device directly into the mobile app.
Once the interview was conducted, that recording was uploaded to the same interview in Guardify as the Live Session recording as a secondary view of the interview.
If you could describe your work in one emoji, which one would you pick? Why?
I think if I were going to describe my work as an emoji, it would be the butterfly emoji. I'm constantly fluttering around from thing to thing, and it's constantly evolving as I pick up new projects!